"Nikki. . . what do you want out of life?" I asked myself as I looked in the mirror. At the time I thought I was repeating a rhetorical question, but to my surprise an answer came. I wanted to do hair. I thought of myself as a little girl and how I would put my hair in rollers every chance I got (which was a lot of hoopla for a farm girl). The picture of what I wanted was so vivid, I felt compelled to put a pen to paper. I was so excited that I could barely understand my own scribble. My mind spun in the most exciting way. I was 27 and thought of all the reasons why I would love to be a hairstylist. I dreamt of owning my own salon in Rushford. I thought about all the differences I could make, not only in hair. . . but also in this beautiful bluff country that I love so much. I thought of making people feel beautiful on the outside, but more importantly the inside. I thought of this gig as more than just hair, but as an experience to fill people with joy and make the world just a little bit sweeter by playing out my life's purpose. Years after that initial thought, here I am. . . living out my dream. Like, someone pinch me. I love doing hair and everything that goes along with it. When I see people pep up in my chair after I give them a new 'do and give themselves "the look" my day is made. Building self confidence in others has got to be one of the most rewarding gifts a hairstylist can have. I believe in my vision and feel fortunate to have been blessed with such, so to all those who have supported this crazy, scary, awesome, super exciting dream of mine. . . I thank you. Here's to a new chapter in my storybook!
"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
Eleanor Roosevelt
mission statement

My goal is for clients to recognize their own individual beauty, one that is uniquely theirs. My vision is for beauty to be seen not only in hair, but in the simple gifts we are awarded each and every day.
Core values

:: Gratitude
:: Simplicity
:: Love